Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Boston/New England Area Hosting for French Student This Summer?

A French friend who organizes exchanges with the US for French high school students each year told me that some of her host families for this summer have had to cancel, and she's looking for replacements. I said I'd contact friends and ask if anyone knows a family in the Boston area, or as far north as the Maine coast, who has a teenager and who would be willing to host a French teenager for two weeks in the second half of July. Insurance coverage and a small stipend for living expenses included. If you know of anyone, please let me know via e-mail. 

Thanks in advance. Hope to see many of you in August or at Labor Day weekend.

Maggie Palu

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Don York

Hi Cliff, Don's email is That's the last address I saw anyway. Joyce

Monday, April 18, 2011

Magdalene York


I found your blog using Google.  I was searching for obituaries of Bethlehem teachers, custodians, secretaries, etc.  I was led to your information about Magdalene York.  I am looking for her date of death and an obituary.  Would you have either?  Do you know where she was living at the time (that might help locate an obituary)?

The video size is too small to give any detail.  Most people don't realize they can make it full-screen, so they won't benefit very much from the video.  Perhaps you could add a note about how to enlarge it.  

Do you still have an email address for Maggie's son?  He might be able to give me a copy of her obituary.

Keep up the good work.  Any help will be appreciated.

Cliff Lamere

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our dear Mrs. York

Memorial celebrating the life of Magdalene York, music teacher at BC Jr and Senior Highs in the 60's and 70's. Created by her son Dick York & presented at Mrs. York's memorial service, August 2010. A copy of the video may be downloaded here.

Friends in BC’67,
Don York just wrote me that his mother, our wonderful music teacher, died Sunday. Don said, “She had a long and wonderful life, made it to 95, went quickly without lingering illness. Her best times were with her choirs in the 60's.”
And our class had the best of it. She was with us starting in 7th grade and then continuing on in 10th as she moved with us to the HS. She will sing on in our love of music and music making for the rest of our lives.
Fly well, to the Place of Perfect Pitch, dear Mrs. York!
-Ted Phelps

Monday, March 15, 2010

Meetup at the Met

A few of us are planning to meet in NYC on Friday, April 23rd. It started out as drinks and dinner, then we added an afternoon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Here's the plan: meet around 2PM at the circular info desk in the Met lobby, as shown in the pic, for those who want to spend some time in the museum. For those who can't be there at 2, reconvene on the 2nd floor balcony bar area, which is also shown in the lobby pic .... see the people standing on the top right, 2nd floor balcony? That's where the musicians set up. Tables are put up all around the right side of the balcony, with performance starting at 5. It's very casual, like going to a club with live music, except it happens to be at the Met. No tickets or charge for the music, we just pay for drinks & appetizers. Like a lot of things in NYC, it is a bit competitive though, so it is best to get there for a table or two right at 5, because it does fill up quickly. NYers know a good deal when they see one.

We'll need to make a reservation for dinner, so let us know if you want to join us by emailing Joyce D ( or Charlie ( And please feel free to forward this on to anyone else you think might be interested.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

BC on Facebook

For all you Facebook users out there, Joyce DeFlumer has created a group for the class of 67, making it easier for us to stay in touch with each other. If you're on Facebook, please join the group, available through the link above or by searching in Facebook for Bethlehem Central 67. And if you're not on Facebook, you are missing out on a easy way to stay connected to old friends and make new ones.

Charlie Redmond

Sunday, July 13, 2008

BC67 - News Note - July 13, 2008

Dear Friends and Classmates,

             I have some news  for you on a number of different topics.     On many of the news items I'll refer you to the class website where you can find more information now and in the weeks and months to come.    First, I regret having to share the sad news that  BILL BURNETT   passed away two months ago.   I wrote a longer note in the blog on WWW.BC67.COM  and there you'll find the the link to his obituary.   I posted his mother's address in Slingerlands in case anyone would like to send their regrets and remembrances of Bill's friendship.

Sadly, we discovered that even the class memorial tribute given at the 40th reunion was not the entire list.  Jeanette Biernacki passed away some time ago, though her parents are still alive.   Check the website for more information.

Turning to much happier news, we've found and contacted several classmates who were on the MISSING LIST.   It is proving much easier to located the men for obvious reasons.    Christopher Clark, Mike Crocker, Bob Dynko, Tom Kreidler, Jim Laffey, Paul Spellman and Bruce LaPierre once were lost but now are found.  If you want to help in the search, you can e-mail Carla Pelton or me.  
Blogging On Our WEBSITE.... Charlie has outdone himself this time!!  To add your thoughts to the blog on our class website, all you have to do now is send a regular everyday e-mail to a particular address which Charlie has set up.   You do NOT need to register, or sign up.   You do NOT need a password.   It is too easy!    Just send your comments in an e-mail  to CHR5.BC67@BLOGGER.COM.    Your entire note will be automatically posted to the blog.     Don't forward this or any email because you'll post the whole thing to the blog.   Just start a fresh e-mail.  Address it to  and write something, perhaps in response to some part of this note or it could be anything you want to tell the whole class.   I encourage everyone to start checking our website WWW.BC67.COM every once in a while to read the blog and stay in touch.

THE PHOTO ALBUMS SECTION - has been expanded.    The 40th Reunion pictures are in one album, Frost Valley pictures in another and a new album has been set up where you can post pictures of you, your family, home or pets.  

If you have WEBSITE SKILLS  and would like to help Charlie maintain our class website, please contact him at CHR@AVALONMALL.COM.  If you have just an hour or two a month, it would be a big help.

On the EVENT FRONT,  the Frost Valley Weekend in the Catskills was a lot of fun.  We talked, drank wine, hiked, talked, climbed a low ropes course, drank wine, danced, cross a cable bridge, told stories (both true and no-so-true) and generally had a relaxing time.  We had the absolute best weather possible.  

The  CLASS OF 1968   had their 40th reunion this weekend, July 11 & 12.   I drove up to their dinner dance last night in hopes of seeing some of the many  friends I knew from that class and to explore ways the two classes could team up to the benefit of everyone.   I will either send you more details in a separate note, or post it to the blog.

UPCOMING EVENT  - Hold the long weekend of JULY  3-6 2009.    There's been some growing buzz about an event in Delmar/Albany.   The idea started  as a joint 60th birthday party since we all turn 60 at approxinately the same time (plus or minus 12 months or so) .    Initial thoughts are all over the map so I will send a separate note or write in the blog on this.

That's it for today's News Note, but hopefully we'll be able to continue a two-way conversation on the blog.   Or is it a 300-way conversation?    

 Cheerleading Still,

            Joyce  DeFlumer

Keep in touch.
845-278-6450 (H)
914-499-4383 (O)
Class Website:

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bill Burnett's Mother's Address

Someone asked me for Bill Burnett's mother's address in order to send a sympathy card.  Her address is:  Elaine Burnett 40 Autumn Drive, Apt 209, Slingerlands, NY 12159-9358.   Joyce

Joyce  De  Flumer
Finance Transformation
(914) 499-4383
Armonk   2C-27N-3

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bill Burnett March 13, 1949 - May 8, 2008

Dear Classmates,

I indirectly got some sad news just today. Bill Burnett passed away less than two weeks ago. It was sudden and a total surprise to his family.

A fellow classmate called me this morning and reported having heard that Bill passed away, but it had not been verified. Some of you know that Bill and I dated in high school, through college and married in 1971. The marriage ended in divorce before our tenth high school reunion.

I've tried to post the link to his obituary here. If it doesn't work, we'll get it posted to the website soon. It is a lovely tribute. I spoke to Bill's brother's wife - actually widow since Steve passed away nine years ago - and she shared with me how caring Bill was with the family Steve left behind. Bill never wanted a funeral; the family will gather in memory of Bill at his home in Santa Fe later in the summer.

The last time I saw Bill was maybe ten years ago at his father's memorial service in Saratoga Springs at the new veteran's cemetary. He seemed happy with his new wife, the way his career had grown and was building a retirement home in Santa Fe. It is sad that too often funerals are the only time we see old friends and family. I'm very happy to have reconnected with many of you following our 40th. Let's keep in touch, Joyce

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Frost Valley, April 18-20, 2008

Dear Classmates,

The enthusiasm at the 40th reunion was incredible! After years of not connecting with one another I was touched by the level of caring and the feelings of trust and love that were shared by so many! We had such a great time. The only problem I heard voiced by many was “We cannot wait another 10 years to get together” joined by “I wish we had more time; the weekend went by so fast! I wish we had more time to talk to everyone … and a quiet place to do it”. Everyone really enjoyed the musical contributions of our classmates Mark Haskins, Frank Morgan, Frank Micare, Kathy Salman, Herb Mayne and Mike Otis …. and Carole Clarke Doody with her bagpipes and we wouldn’t have had in any other way. Still I started thinking after the reunion about how we could schedule a quieter time to talk, really catch up and to enjoy each other some more.

That led me to suggest this weekend at the Frost Valley YMCA Camp in the Catskill State Park. My “church” - (Unitarian Universalists don’t always use that word - they call the congregations “Fellowships” - despite the inherent gender-biased language) - has gone there for weekend retreats in the Spring for many years. And I’ve been the coordinator for the Fellowship many years, so I figured I already know how to plan this kind of weekend. I think I can coordinate it for the class without a whole lot of work. The choice of weekend is because my fellowship isn’t going this year, and that’s the weekend they have “dibs” on. I realize now that this is Passover, and I’m truly sorry - I know the timing eliminates some people. I hope this will not be the only event where we can see one another.

I don’t know how many people can come or would be interested, but I’ll offer it to all of you and any family or friends you want to bring and find out. The only tricky part is knowing how many rooms or lodges to reserve and to get the money from the attendees early enough so that I can try to modify the amount of space I’ve reserved without losing any money. I paid a deposit of $1,200 myself for two big beautiful lodges next door to one another, each with a huge fireplace in a very large common room. The minimum number of people that would cover the cost of two lodges is 48…….24 in each. Each lodge has 4 separate rooms that can accommodate up to 10 in each people, but I don’t like to put that many in a lodge.

So here’s how I plan to manage the reservations. The price is $170 per person. This covers the room, meals in the common dining lodge and use of the 6,000 acres of the park. Children 3 years or younger are free. OK here comes the tough part. If you want to go, please let me know by JANUARY 13th and mail me a check for at least half of the amount. I will have to give up any un-filled reserved space at that time. After that, it’s possible I’ll forfeit some or all of the deposit money. Unlike the reunion committee, being just one person and considering the demands of my job, I don’t have the time to make phone calls to encourage people to come and to remind them to send in their money. So please make note of the date now and follow up yourself. Talk to your friends to see who’s going. Especially those who couldn’t make it on Oct 6th.

I will ask Charlie Redmond our Webmeister to post this announcement on You can learn more about Frost Valley YMCA Camp at their website You can mail checks to me at PO Box 767, Brewster, NY 10509. I would like to tell you lots more about this very very special place, but I’m tired now and I can post more later on, so check there frequently. If you have questions you can email me at or call me at 845.278.6450 or at work if you can catch me in my office at 914.499.4383.

I look forward to spending some time kicking back with you - hiking, talking into the wee hours in front of the fire and so much more. Enjoy the coming holidays everyone - but don’t forget to reply by January 13th !!

Love to you all,
Joyce DeFlumer
Rah, Rah !! Go Eagles !!

Joyce De Flumer
Finance Transformation
(914) 499-4383
Armonk 2C-27N-3

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Comments from the Reunion

Comments from classmate emails, from some who attended and some who could not:

“Ellen and I wanted to thank each of you for all the time and effort that you put in to this wonderful reunion weekend. It was so much fun and so great to reconnect with so many “old” friends again. I really can’t think of any way that it could have been any better. The trip back to NH yesterday was so enjoyable with the beautiful foliage, the CD from Rick Dumas of 1967 songs and the memories of being with such really great friends again.

Please pass along my thanks to Ted, Joan and Nancy as well….I couldn’t find an email address for them on the grid. All of you be well and we look forward to the 50th in 2017.

Best regards,

Dick and Ellen Many

Freedom, NH”


“I was telling someone that the weekend felt like visiting some happy alternative universe.”

Pat (Patty) Caldwell


“This reunion has been a real kick for my mom and dad …they were getting semi live up dates from nancy dumas who was getting live feeds from Kenny and rick all weekend

PS: is Mr. Falvey still the principal?

Be well”

John Howell


"The reunion was really a blast, but so many people and too little time.

It was great to see you, and thanks for all you do. The video was great, as is the website.

I wonder how many of us had cameras back then- I know I didn't. I hope you'll be deluged with

digital images from the reunion. Can't wait to see them. In response to Paul Fruscione's request

for musician info, I'd like to include a few JPG's of my latest mandolin if the link is still being


Best regards,

Mike Otis"


“Just a short note to say the video was terrific. Hope everyone had a blast this weekend and I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. ”

Debby Bowersox Inscoe


October 9th, 2007 at 10:39 pm e

The reunion weekend was fantastic. Thanks to the committee for organizing a great get-together. Charlie–thanks for a terrific website and slide show. Prior to the weekend, I looked forward to checking in every day to see who had completed the questionnaire. It was wonderful to see so many people back in Delmar. I’m sorry I didn’t speak to everyone individually. I look forward to seeing lots of photos posted on the website. As soon as I can, I will be adding mine. I truly hope we can pull together in 5 years, rather than 10 for the next reunion.

My best to all,


October 10th, 2007 at 11:14 pm e

Dear Reunion 40 Attendees and Classmates,

I am still speechless…two nights tried to encompass our teenage years at Bethlehem. There were sooo many people, and too few hours. I really think we need a five day cruise for the 50th !

I had such a good time, met so many friends (at least to say hi)…took some pictures, which I hope to share. Hope with this website that we can continue to stay in touch, and begin to plan our 45th !

Thanks so much, Charlie, for giving us the opportunity to step into the “Online communication business”. It’s so much easier than mailings and phone calls.

Thank you soo much, Ted Wilson, for making sure we had a time and place…at reasonable rates for Friday and Saturday nights.

AND THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, PAUL FRUSCIONE ! Without out your hope, committment and dedication, this weekend wouldn’t have occurred !

And to those that missed this one, we missed you too ! We really hope to see you at the next one. And if we don’t have your contact info, please contact us here. You won’t want to miss out on the next one !

Love to all, and thanks for the memories,

Nancy A.


From Paul:
The first person I’d like to thank is Carole Clarke, for her beautiful and moving tribute. Carole was on our reunion committee 10 years ago.
We had exchanged a few emails this year when out of the blue one day, she wrote to me, surprised me, offering to do this tribute.
But actually, I’m really NOT surprised to see Carole once again show her class spirit.
Forty years later, fifty, she is there for us. Thank you Carole.

Next is the woman who started all this. She presided over 2 class reunions, the 10th and 20th, and it couldn’t have been easy.
There were no computers or instant emails then. She worked out of a little gray 3X5 file cabinet, which she gave to me years ago.
The only thing that made her job a LITTLE easier, was that back then, she was a heck of a lot younger than this fine group of today.
I’m proud to have taken the torch from Ginny Hill.

Thanks to our Ron Garinger, our Senior Class President, for his generous gift of champagne.

We want to thank Vicki Lee for her tour this morning. Our high school has really changed hasn’t it?
It’s hard to believe that when we were entering Kindergarten, that building on Delaware Avenue was known as “the new school”.
It was fun to see it today, a little newer. Thank you Vicki.

Connie Strong did most of our internet searches. She was able to find your phone numbers, which she passed to the rest of the committee, who then made hundreds of phone calls. Many of us here tonight ARE here as a result of those calls.
Thank you Connie, and thanks to everyone who worked so hard making phone calls, and attending all those (mostly fun) meetings.
Your Reunion Committee - Karen Aupperle, Nancy Austin, Joan Ennis, Cathy Isdell, Ted Phelps, Cheryl Rukwid, Terry Stephany, Connie Strong, Ted Wilson, and Nancy Wyckoff.

Cathy is also our treasurer, and the only person I know of, working in finance, that doesn’t use a computer. But she did a great job.
Thanks Cathy.

By the way, Carla Pelton did a flurry of internet searches just prior to this event.
If you don’t see her right at the moment, she’s probably on her computer somewhere here at Normanside, trying to scare up a few more people for this great night.
She is also the first non member of this year’s committee to volunteer to work on the 50th reunion.
Although she did say she wasn’t quite sure about taking a committee assignment for the 50th, we told her that she was in anyway.
10 years from now we’ll all be 68, and we’re hoping she won’t remember saying maybe. Thanks Carla.

Cheryl Rukwid: Cheryl brought just about everything a person could bring to our many meetings. ehYup, Everything.
Our committee ever so carefully picked the best parts of what Cheryl offered us.
Humor, directness, and efficiency to name a few.
When we were deciding on tonight’s small gift for everyone, Cheryl said “Let’s give them something everyone really needs - another MOUSEPAD!”
– But, ahhhhhhhh this one is different. This one carries our BC class email address, and will lead us all to the next class reunion.
Cheryl is so efficient, she found our eagle logo, sent the layout to mouse pads inc. paid the bill, and had them shipped, in less time than it took the rest of us to make the decision.

Ted Phelps - for bringing his businesslike, statesman like, you could almost say “Presidential” manner to our meetings. Ted is of course our permanent class President, and like most Presidents, he kept a level head. Well, 90% of the time.
Ted was also voted most philosophical in our class. Hey, the yearbook says so. I realized what that meant when Ted’s first question at his very first meeting was: “Well let’s explore this: Is there any precedent for holding a reunion in the Fall? ” I knew we were in for it.
Ted, thanks for hosting the conference call and for providing some much needed focus at meetings.

Charlie Redmond gets a new title with each new class reunion. 10 years ago, he was “Official Photographer”, the first guy to go digital.
This time around he took the title of “Webmeister”. Yes, he took it. No one asked Charlie what he was willing or able to do.
HE came to US and told US what he could do, what his vision was, and then he did it.
On some days, that meant dealing with 10 or more emails per day. And that’s just from Delmar.
Charlie fielded requests, and suggestions from all over the country. And from France, And Germany…… definitely helped create so much of the excitement that brought us all here tonight.
Thank you Charlie.
Charlie of course also created tonight’s slide show, with help from Carol Stone. Wait till you see it!

The musicians. What more can we possibly say? They made the party last night!
Frank Morgan was the first musician to agree to play. I had to call his father twice to find Frank. Yeah, forgot where I put the number.
After Frank said yes, I knew we had it made.
There WOULD be music. Everything would fall into place. Little did we know…….
Let me explain.
Now Mark Haskins coordinated all of last night’s music. Doesn’t sound too hard does it?
Well it IS hard if there’s no band! And as of 5 o’clock yesterday, there wasn’t.
One of the guys was unable to play, and although we had all sorts of talent waiting to play, THERE WAS NO BAND.
Somehow, Mark managed to pull it all together, and the band you saw last night materialized. They had NO rehersal, and only an hour’s notice.
But they were professionals and the sound proved that.
Thank you so much - everyone who played: Bert Mayne, Franklin Micare, Frank Morgan, Mike Otis,Kathy Salman, Gary Stiglmeier, and Paul Zeh.

Nancy Austin was so dedicated to this reunion she would have had this thing at her house! She said so.
I’ve gotten to know Nancy a lot better working with her. It seems in high school she was associated with a lot of partying. Who Knew?

And Nancy backed up her words. She created our nametags, and the orange paper mailing we sent.
And she injected a little Irish humor which kept our spirits up when we needed it most.
That was so, so vital to this mission.
Thank you Nancy Austin.

OK - I’m going out on a limb here to thank tonight’s DJ in advance.
We all know that can be a little tricky.
On Tuesday I told Adam the long sad story of the last reunion when the DJ must have mistaken our gathering for a wedding of 19 year olds.
Held in a place we’ve never seen or will ever want to visit.
Can this committee redeem itself after 10 years? Right now, only Adam knows.
On faith - Thanks Adam

The indespensible man.
Couldn’t have done it without him. These words are sometimes over-used. But not in this case. That guy is here.
He did Everything that involved getting in a car. He got the Piano man DJ, the best around. He made a tremendous deal for us at the Comfort Inn.
He made all these arrangements here at Normanside.
Everybody - Ted Wilson.

Yup, Ted did all those things, And he also talked to me.
All efforts like this one have high and low points along the way. Turnout is a major concern.
At one point he said to me “We’ll have this thing even if it’s only 10 of us in a bar someplace”.
That was a turning point. I knew that Ted was serious. He was working, and there WOULD BE a BCHS 1967 Class Reunion.
And here it is. We could not have done it without Ted Wilson.

We’re at the end of the list of thank yous. There’s only one more. And with it, one more title to convey.
He spoke at our 30th reunion, 10 years ago.
He has a knack for this sort of thing,
He’s our permanent class MC.
John Pellittier!


If I wrote all my afterthoughts here, all the feelings, all the memories - I might never stop. Instead, I hope everyone will re-read my thank yous.

I am almost emailed out, so I thank Charlie one more time for this website. will carry us beyond email. I have enjoyed being part of the center of our last two class reunions, but the new way is better. The website is better. It’s efficient It’s visual, it’s alive and always changing, and we should make the most of it. All our future class plans depend on it. Stencil the web address on your brand new mousepad.

I just have to tell everyone what the DJ told me on Saturday night. I had had a lengthy discussion with him on Tuesday, just before the reunion. He’s 33 years old, and I’m doing all I can to make him know who we are, where we come from musically, and what he should expect when he fires up the turntable. Turntable? Like most DJs, he has a strong personality, likes his work, and he knows his business, but I’m still trying to make him see US. Finally, he came to understand, to see inside the BC Class of 1967. Toward the end of the night he called me aside and said “Wow, what a group! I do a lot of reunions, and I’m telling you - I’ve done 10 year class reunions where it wasn’t this good. Where there wasn’t this much spirit.”

One Thank you remains to be said. Thank you everyone who attended. Yes, of course we worked hard; the food and music were great. All that is true. But it’s always about the people who come. Bob Dylan & Elvis Costello played Albany while we were dancing. If they somehow walked into Normanside that night and played for us, it would have added something to this reunion. Sure. But that would only have been icing on the cake.

You were there.

Peace, Love, and Understanding, Paul


From Rick Dumas:

I agree with everything that Dick Many wrote, but we can NOT wait 10 more years for the kind of fun we just enjoyed.

Take a look at the pictures, and notice EVERYONE smiling. For just one night, we turned back the clock, and it could not have been more fun!

Impossible to thank everyone who worked so hard, but thanks to everyone who could attend, it was really a special memory for all of us.

Take Care, and see you ALL in just a few years,



This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007 at 6:54 pm and is filed under Uncategorized, Reunion Comments. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Responses to “Comments from the Reunion”

1. aileenduc Says:
October 9th, 2007 at 10:39 pm

The reunion weekend was fantastic. Thanks to the committee for organizing a great get-together. Charlie–thanks for a terrific website and slide show. Prior to the weekend, I looked forward to checking in every day to see who had completed the questionnaire. It was wonderful to see so many people back in Delmar. I’m sorry I didn’t speak to everyone individually. I look forward to seeing lots of photos posted on the website. As soon as I can, I will be adding mine. I truly hope we can pull together in 5 years, rather than 10 for the next reunion.

My best to all,
2. Nancy Austin Says:
October 10th, 2007 at 11:14 pm

Dear Reunion 40 Attendees and Classmates,

I am still speechless…two nights tried to encompass our teenage years at Bethlehem. There were sooo many people, and too few hours. I really think we need a five day cruise for the 50th !

I had such a good time, met so many friends (at least to say hi)…took some pictures, which I hope to share. Hope with this website that we can continue to stay in touch, and begin to plan our 45th !

Thanks so much, Charlie, for giving us the opportunity to step into the “Online communication business”. It’s so much easier than mailings and phone calls. Thank you soo much, Ted Wilson, for making sure we had a time and place…at reasonable rates for Friday and Saturday nights. AND THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, PAUL FRUSCIONE ! Without out your hope, committment and dedication, this weekend wouldn’t have occurred !

And to those that missed this one, we missed you too ! We really hope to see you at the next one. And if we don’t have your contact info, please contact us here. You won’t want to miss out on the next one !

Love to all, and thanks for the memories,

Nancy A.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So I Just Heard Ken Levy Died ...

Two years ago.

Two years ago.

Maybe more .. not really sure of the date.

Happened to be trolling for familiar names from high school on just for grins and maybe to entice them into doing more profiles on ... (don't know about you, but I'm really enjoying reading about everyone, imagining slices of their lives, picturing what it's been like to be them, probably getting it all wrong, but wtf! It's fun anyway.)

And I saw a link to Betsey Friedman, Ken's high school girl friend and first wife.

Now, I did know that Ken and Betsey had split up, after a pretty long and I think not necessarily smooth go of it for at least 10 years and probably longer ... had gradually lost track of them as we all moved into our thirties ... and I did know Ken had remarried maybe 12 or 15 years ago, because I saw him again in NYC a couple years ago with his new wife Beth.

We had dinner at Rain, the Thai restaurant, on the Upper West Side; heard a good bit about their life in Scottsdale, outside Phoenix. Ken and Beth had moved there from Colorado several years before for his health; he was having lung problems and the air was much easier to take there for him.

Ken told me his son Aaron was getting into Little League and getting pretty good, and that he would love for Aaron to hear me tell him stories about how Ken was as a ball player back in Little League and beyond. That Ken's son would be good at baseball is completely natural. Anyone who ever hit against Ken, or tried, can certainly remember that big leg kick, then the swooping left arm reaching half-way to home plate, releasing fast balls popping into the catcher's mitt almost before he let them go. Whoosh-pop! And way more often than not, you'd be bailing or waving feebly, as the ball zoomed past you.

Ken grew up around the corner from me. He and I played against each other so much that I could actually hit him from time to time. Ade Arnold, our coach on Carroll's, used to joke that Ken was the only pitcher in the league I could hit. Real funny, Ade. I got a couple lines I could use on you, too ... never mind, not the time or place ...

So I emailed Betsey, just to say hello and like that; she emailed back right away and happened to mention, I guess you heard about Ken, he died two years ago, just couldn't get the lung transplant in time. Wha .... what? What the fu@##?


Somehow, I missed that one.

I mean, this is the guy I grew up with. We had as many adventures together as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. The guy with the awesome record collection and dramatic Earth Science notebook (he drew these amazing cumulus clouds). The guy taught me that most necessary and vital survival skill for high school and beyond: How to Be Cool, importing from NYC the latest Happening Thing, whether in clothes (we bought our first madras shirts together), music (how many hours after the next Beatles or Stones release did it take for us to acquire each one), dating, nightlife (we made our first fake ID's together) and yes, drugs, too.

Ken had many outstanding qualities --- intelligence, sense of style, charm, openness to new ideas and people --- and chief among them was his sense of humor. I know we brought it out in each other, as so many of our conversations became laughfests within seconds. He had that big smile, as well as the grin that just told you another amusing insight was on its way. We'd be out driving or even just walking around and whenever you were out with Ken, it was like a tour of car catalogs: "there's a '57 T'bird ... that's a '65 Mustang! ... over there, Buick Skylark ..." Yes, he was a bit of a car fag and I caught that from him. He was always way quicker on the draw than me at this game. One time, as I struggled to come up with the proper make and model: "Over there, that's a ... a ... um ..." Ken intoned: "Those things are called 'cars', Charles."

How could you not laugh with Ken.

As high school ended, inevitably our lives moved apart, college began, he at NYU, me at Tulane, yet he'd be the first I called when I was back in town. I helped hold the huppa at his and Betsey's wedding. I remember Betsey's mom coming up right before the ceremony and giving me a big kiss on the cheek, probably because I was the only young guy there wearing a jacket and tie. By that time, age 23 or so, Ken was definitely leading an alternate lifestyle. There was so much dope being smoked at that wedding in Ken's backyard I was sure the BP's would bust the event. His parents were not amused, although they made a game show of it, while pretending nothing was happening.

I would have gone to the funeral. The least I could do, for my best friend from high school.

I guess the point is, how would I have known? Was this in the
Spotlight? I still have two brothers, Graham and Barry, in Delmar, but neither saw anything about it, otherwise they would have alerted me. And maybe no one alerted the Spotlight. Who would have? Ken's parents passed on years ago and of course he had no other immediate family in the area, especially as he and Betsey had gotten divorced 20 years ago.

So maybe if we have a blog here, for good news and bad, we can all stay a little more connected. There was a time when we were all so much a part of each other's lives.

I know Ken was a huge part of mine.

He always brought a smile to my face. And he always will.
